Send your artwork to the moon (yes, the real one)

Humanity is returning to the moon in a big way, and you are invited to participate in this historic moment. You don’t need to be mega-rich or an astronaut. You just need to submit your artwork via Period Reality!

Period Reality is (super)proud partner of NASA’s LunARC DAO. We believe that space exploration and development should be diverse and inclusive, not just the domain of governments and powerful corporate interests. That is why LunARC DAO is on a mission to establish a public art installation on the moon. And your artwork could be part of it!

Why send art to the moon?

The next generation of space exploration and development has kicked off in earnest in recent years, with billions being poured by governments into R&D, new launching technologies being developed by the private sector, and broad acknowledgment that the future of IT advancement is in space.  Several space agencies are planning to establish settlements on the moon over the next decade, including NASA with its Artemis missions. NASA then plans to take the next giant leap: sending the first astronauts to Mars.

LunARC DAO believes that space exploration and development should be diverse and inclusive, not just the domain of governments and powerful corporate interests. The mission to establish a public art installation on the moon will inspire the next generation globally to: 1) dream and get excited about space exploration; 2) embrace the spirit of collaboration and cooperation; 3) solve for the critical problems we face on Earth; and 4) start a learning journey anchored around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math).

What art are we looking for?

All art about the power of the female body, periods, cycles or living in sync with your body! It can be stories, poems, illustrations, photography, yes even paintings. The only ‘but’ is that you’ll have to digitalize your visual artwork by making an image of it.

A few things to keep in mind

  1. One submission per individual 

  2. Deadline for submission is Friday September 1st, 2023

  3. Only images and plain texts (without embedded images).

  4. File size must be at least 50KB. You are welcome to submit larger file sizes. We will reduce the size of each submission to 50KB before it is included in the final composite. 

  5. Acceptable file extensions

    1. For images: jpg, gif, png, tiff.

    2. For plain text: txt (Maximum 30 number of pages)

Submit your artwork here. Do this before Sunday Aug 13, 2023!

The Mission is planned to fly on Firefly’s Blue Ghost Lunar Lander scheduled to launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and land on the lunar surface in May 2024 🌕 . The Falcon 9 rocket will be going into simulation flights from August 15 on and nothing can be changed to that load after this date. If you want to know more about LunARC DAO, please check out their frequently asked questions.

Word artist Amanda Chinyanganya (A The Poet) wrote Period Reality’s Manifesto. Amanda’s poem will be one of the artworks going to the moon. Let her words inspire you and send in your artwork now!


LunARC DAO x Period Reality: Empowering Voices, Elevating Art